DeFishGear Italian partner (ISPRA, Chioggia) and worldwide known NGO Legambiente Venezia have carried out an amazing campaign entitled “Don't Waste Venice” with superb Venice at the heart of it within the framework of the DeFishGear project. The campaign itself was quite a challenging and demanding monitoring activity of floating litter in Venice's canals, aimed at collecting waste and gathering as many information as possible on the category and quantity of litter found.
Since it has raised significant interest in the eyes of different stakeholders and general public, the DeFishGear Italian partner (ISPRA, Chioggia) and worldwide known NGO Legambiente Venezia want to continue protecting Venice - the jewel of the Adriatic and UNESCO's World Heritage. The new Action will actually consist of repeating the activities of “Don't Waste Venice”, enlarging the monitoring area from the city to the islands of the lagoon, more precisely on what is now the Northern Lagoon Regional Park (recently created by the Municipality of Venice).
We need your help: SUPPORT & AND SHARE THE CAMPAIGN: Clean Up Venice
The main aim of the aforesaid Action will be collection and creation of the adequate disposal system for the floating litter, as well as sank and stranded waste within the internal areas of the lagoon, throughnational and international volunteering activities, involving citizens and tourists and disseminating good practices towards a collective responsibility!
The overall Action will be divided in 3 main sub-actions:
1) Sub-action 1: Map the Waste!
Registration and mappingof the wastein the city and the main canals of the lagoon and the minor islands will be performed. The sampling and research will be carried out through two data collecting campaigns fromMay to November 2016.
2) Sub-action 2: Clean Up Venice!
Cleaning activities will be organized for the most sensible areas mapped through the research activities.Legambiente Venice's and other local associations' traditional boats will be used for this activity. The same will take place on specific“call-to-action” days, within workcamps and under the umbrella of the special international campaigns such as “Clean Up the World” or the European Week for Waste Reduction.
3) Sub-action 3: Island 4 All!
This sub-action will consist of activities aimed to the environmental and social restoration of four minor islands of Venice's lagoon.After having collected all found waste, the next step will be anenvironmental restoration activity. In this case we will also use traditional and non-mechanical methods (in which Legambiente has a very wide experience acquired throughout the years) and with the help and participation of citizens and the association's volunteers the invasive vegetation present on the four islands ofSan Secondo, Sant'Andrea, San Giacomo in Paludo and Isola dei Laghi will be removed.
To complete these activities citizens and tourists will be invited to visit and enjoy the islands, and in order to make the islands more appealing pic-nic tables, garden chairs, garbage cans and other commodities will be installed. All of the garden furniture will be created by the volunteers themselves, according to the “Art in Nature” principles. Each piece of art will be created with completely bio-degradable and local materials.
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