
One thing that certainly distinguishes the DeFishGear project from the others is the constant quest for the new and innovative ways for project promotion in order to anchor direct and permanent bonding…

DeFishGear team continues its activities related to raising of awareness about marine litter pollution among the youngest members of our local communities. Namely, the DeFishGear team members from the Institute for Water…

On the 27th of May 2015 MIO-ECSDE, one of the DeFishGear leading organizations, participated in the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) stakeholders conference entitled "Towards a Roadmap for Blue Investment and Jobs…

The DeFishGear partner MIO-ECSDE and the ECNC Group together with MEDASSET (Mediterranean Association to Save the Sea Turtles), Aquafil and Nofir held a workshop at the European Maritime Day 2015 entitled “Innovative business…

Chioggia is one of the most important Italian fishing harbors and many people are involved in fishing activities, but the consciousness about marine litter related problems is low (source, effects, etc.). Therefore,…

The DeFishGear project partner, Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), participated in the sea bottom clean-up event organised by the ‘Tegnùe of Chioggia Onlus’ Association” on 24th May 2015 in…
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