
Over the past period, the DeFishGear partner from Slovenia – Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia (IWRS), organised and participated in several different events, with the aim to promote the…

One year after the start-up of the regional pilot project jointly promoted by Healthy Seas and DefishGear, the first load of abandoned and discarded fishing nets has been collected at Ancona harbour and…

DeFishGear Italian partner (ISPRA, Chioggia) and worldwide known NGO Legambiente Venezia have carried out an amazing campaign entitled “Don't Waste Venice” with superb Venice at the heart of it within the framework…

Chioggia is one of the most important Italian fishing harbors and many people are involved in fishing activities. However, the consciousness about marine litter-related problems is low (source, effects, etc.), which instigated…

The Conference on Sub-Regional Cooperation in Marine Litter Management in Adriatic-Ionian Macro Region was carried out on March 25th in Split, Croatia. The objective of the Conference was to contribute to sub-regional…

On the 24th of July, ISPRA organised a short Conference titled "Participatory Research and Protection of Environment". The Conference was organised under the umbrella of two projects financed by the European Union…
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